Integrable Probability Focused Research Group (NSF Grant 2017-21/22)

Integrable Probability Focused Research Group (NSF Grant 2017-21/22)

Principal Investigators

New preprints

  • [September 28, 2024] 2409.19319 [math.PR]

    Mustazee Rahman, “Brownian Last Passage Percolation with functional initial condition” (arXiv)

  • [September 26, 2024] 2409.17842 [math.CO]

    Greta Panova, Leonid Petrov, “Hook-length Formulas for Skew Shapes via Contour Integrals and Vertex Models” (arXiv)

  • [September 24, 2024] 2409.16547 [math.PR]

    Morris Ang, Gefei Cai, Xin Sun, Baojun Wu, “SLE Loop Measure and Liouville Quantum Gravity” (arXiv)

  • [September 19, 2024] 2409.12888 [math.PR]

    Jeffrey Kuan, “q–exchangeable Measures and Transformations in Interacting Particle Systems” (arXiv)

  • [September 16, 2024] 2409.10415 [math.PR]

    Alexey Bufetov, Kailun Chen, “Local central limit theorem for Mallows measure” (arXiv)

  • [September 13, 2024] 2409.08927 [math.PR]

    Guillaume Barraquand, “Integral formulas for two-layer Schur and Whittaker processes” (arXiv)

  • [September 6, 2024] 2409.04305 [math.CO]

    Cesar Cuenca, “Cumulants in rectangular finite free probability and beta-deformed singular values” (arXiv)