Cesar Cuenca, Maciej Dołęga, “Discrete $N$-particle systems at high temperature through Jack generating functions” (arXiv)
Zhipeng Liu, Ruixuan Zhang, “An upper tail field of the KPZ fixed point” (arXiv)
Leonid Petrov, Jeanne Scott, “Random Fibonacci Words via Clone Schur Functions” (arXiv)
Amol Aggarwal, Ivan Corwin, Milind Hegde, “KPZ fixed point convergence of the ASEP and stochastic six-vertex models” (arXiv)
Xuan Wu, “Applications of optimal transport to Dyson Brownian Motions and beyond” (arXiv)
Hao Shen, Scott A. Smith, Rongchan Zhu, “Makeenko-Migdal equations for 2D Yang-Mills: from lattice to continuum” (arXiv)
Benjamin Landon, “Some estimates for generalized Wigner matrix linear spectral statistics” (arXiv)