Integrable Probability New York 2020 (IntProb New York)

‼️ The event has been CANCELED due to COVID-19. If postponed to a later date, relevant information will be posted

March 16-20, 2020, Columbia University, New York, NY

Location: 309 Havemeyer Hall (Directions)

Schedule: TBA


  1. Amol Aggarwal (Harvard)
  2. Guillaume Barraquand (ENS, Paris)
  3. Riddhipratim Basu (ICTS)
  4. Alexey Bufetov (Bonn)
  5. Duncan Dauvergne (Princeton)
  6. Pierre Le Doussal (ENS Paris)
  7. Maurice Duits (KTH)
  8. Shirshendu Ganguly (Berkeley)
  9. Alan Hammond (Berkeley)
  10. Jeffrey Kuan (Texas A&M)
  11. Elizabeth Meckes (Case Western)
  12. Firas Rassoul-Agha (University of Utah)
  13. Hao Shen (Madison)
  14. Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo)
  15. Sylvia Serfaty (NYU)
  16. Makiko Sasada (Tokyo / visiting NYC)
  17. Timo Seppalainen (Madison)
  18. Li-Cheng Tsai (Rutgers)
  19. Benedek Valko (Madison)
  20. Balint Virag (Toronto)
  21. Nikolaos Zygouras (Warwick)

Preliminary list of participants

  1. Andrew Ahn (MIT)
  2. Jinho Baik (UMich)
  3. Alexei Borodin (MIT)
  4. Jeanne Boursier (France/visiting NYC)
  5. Ivan Corwin (Columbia)
  6. Cesar Cuenca (Caltech)
  7. Sayan Das (Columbia)
  8. Evgeni Dimitrov (Columbia)
  9. Julien Dubedat (Columbia)
  10. Hugo Falconet (Columbia)
  11. Promit Ghosal (Columbia)
  12. Vadim Gorin (UWM)
  13. Jiongji Gou (Hong Kong)
  14. Alisa Knizel (Columbia)
  15. Sergei Korotkikh (MIT)
  16. Yun Li (UWM)
  17. Yuchen Liao (UMich)
  18. Yier Lin (Columbia)
  19. Zhipeng Liu (Kansas)
  20. Konstantin Matetski (Columbia)
  21. Konstantin Matveev (Rutgers)
  22. Mihai Nica (Toronto)
  23. Guillaume Remy (Columbia)
  24. Shalin Parekh (Columbia)
  25. Luke Peilen (NYU)
  26. Roger Van Peski (MIT)
  27. Leonid Petrov (UVA)
  28. Andrei Prokhorov (UMich)
  29. Marianna Russkikh (MIT)
  30. Mark Rychnovsky (Columbia)
  31. Axel Saenz (Warwick)
  32. Guilherme Silva (UMich)
  33. Hayate Suda (Tokyo)
  34. Xin Sun (Columbia)
  35. Yi Sun (Columbia)
  36. Eric Thoma (NYU)
  37. Balint Veto (Budapest)
  38. Xuan Wu (Columbia)
  39. Weitao Zhu (Columbia)


The application is open for self-funded non-FRG junior participants. Interested applicants can send the following information to the organizers: name, affiliation, position, research interests, name of the supervisor who can provide a short recommendation (for grad students and postdocs).