Amol Aggarwal, Ivan Corwin, Milind Hegde, “KPZ fixed point convergence of the ASEP and stochastic six-vertex models” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Alexey Bufetov, “ASEP via Mallows coloring” (arXiv) |
Hindy Drillick, Levi Haunschmid-Sibitz, “The stochastic six-vertex model speed process” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Ivan Corwin, Milind Hegde, “Scaling limit of the colored ASEP and stochastic six-vertex models” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Alexei Borodin, “Colored Line Ensembles for Stochastic Vertex Models” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Ivan Corwin, Sayan Das, “KPZ exponents for the half-space log-gamma polymer” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Matthew Nicoletti, Leonid Petrov, “Colored Interacting Particle Systems on the Ring: Stationary Measures from Yang-Baxter Equation” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Alexei Borodin, Michael Wheeler, “Coloured corner processes from asymptotics of LLT polynomials” (arXiv) |
Svetlana Gavrilova, Leonid Petrov, “Tilted biorthogonal ensembles, Grothendieck random partitions, and determinantal tests” (arXiv) |
Anna Erschler, Josh Frisch, Mark Rychnovsky, “Poisson Boundary for Upper-Triangular Groups” (arXiv) |
Leonid Petrov, Mikhail Tikhonov, “Asymptotics of noncolliding q-exchangeable random walks” (arXiv) |
Hindy Drillick, Yier Lin, “Strong law of large numbers for the stochastic six vertex model” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Ivan Corwin, “Markov duality and Bethe ansatz formula for half-line open ASEP” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Milind Hegde, “The lower tail of $q$-pushTASEP” (arXiv) |
Leonid Petrov, Axel Saenz, “Rewriting History in Integrable Stochastic Particle Systems” (arXiv) |
Vadim Gorin, Jiaming Xu, “Random sorting networks: edge limit” (arXiv) |
Vadim Gorin, Jiaoyang Huang, “Dynamical Loop Equation” (arXiv) |
Leonid Petrov, “Noncolliding Macdonald walks with an absorbing wall” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Ivan Corwin, Promit Ghosal, “The ASEP speed process” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Ivan Corwin, “Stationary measures for the log-gamma polymer and KPZ equation in half-space” (arXiv) |
Matthew Nicoletti, Leonid Petrov, “Irreversible Markov Dynamics and Hydrodynamics for KPZ States in the Stochastic Six Vertex Model” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Mark Rychnovsky, “Random walk on nonnegative integers in beta distributed random environment” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Percy Deift, Alexander Its, “Harold Widom’s work in random matrix theory” (arXiv) |
Roger Van Peski, “$q$-TASEP with position-dependent slowing” (arXiv) |
Roger Van Peski, “Hall-Littlewood polynomials, boundaries, and $p$-adic random matrices” (arXiv) |
Andrew Ahn, Roger Van Peski, “Lyapunov exponents for truncated unitary and Ginibre matrices” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Alexei Borodin, Leonid Petrov, Michael Wheeler, “Free Fermion Six Vertex Model: Symmetric Functions and Random Domino Tilings” (arXiv) |
Dmitry Chelkak, Benoît Laslier, Marianna Russkikh, “Bipartite dimer model: perfect t-embeddings and Lorentz-minimal surfaces” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Alexei Borodin, Michael Wheeler, “Deformed Polynuclear Growth in $(1+1)$ Dimensions” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Vadim Gorin, “Gaussian Unitary Ensemble in random lozenge tilings” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Ivan Corwin, Evgeni Dimitrov, “Maximal free energy of the log-gamma polymer” (arXiv) |
Florent Benaych-Georges, Cesar Cuenca, Vadim Gorin, “Matrix addition and the Dunkl transform at high temperature” (arXiv) |
Andrew Ahn, Marianna Russkikh, Roger Van Peski, “Lozenge tilings and the Gaussian free field on a cylinder” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Sergei Korotkikh, “Inhomogeneous spin $q$-Whittaker polynomials” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Alisa Knizel, “Stationary measure for the open KPZ equation” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Alan Hammond, Milind Hegde, Konstantin Matetski, “Exceptional times when the KPZ fixed point violates Johansson’s conjecture on maximizer uniqueness” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Ivan Corwin, Evgeni Dimitrov, “Spatial tightness at the edge of Gibbsian line ensembles” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Alexei Borodin, Michael Wheeler, “Colored Fermionic Vertex Models and Symmetric Functions” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Ivan Corwin, Evgeni Dimitrov, “Fluctuations of the log-gamma polymer free energy with general parameters and slopes” (arXiv) |
Alexey Bufetov, Sergei Korotkikh, “Observables of stochastic colored vertex models and local relation” (arXiv) |
Yuchen Liao, “Multi-point distribution of discrete time periodic TASEP” (arXiv) |
Andrew Ahn, “Airy Point Process via Supersymmetric Lifts” (arXiv) |
Vadim Gorin, Victor Kleptsyn, “Universal objects of the infinite beta random matrix theory” (arXiv) |
Jinho Baik, Zhipeng Liu, Guilherme L. F. Silva, “Limiting one-point distribution of periodic TASEP” (arXiv) |
Leonid Petrov, “Refined Cauchy identity for spin Hall-Littlewood symmetric rational functions” (arXiv) |
Yier Lin, “Lyapunov exponents of the half-line SHE” (arXiv) |
Promit Ghosal, Yier Lin, “Lyapunov exponents of the SHE for general initial data” (arXiv) |
Anna Bykhovskaya, Vadim Gorin, “Cointegration in large VARs” (arXiv) |
Evgeni Dimitrov, Mark Rychnovsky, “GUE corners process in boundary-weighed six-vertex models” (arXiv) |
Yier Lin, “The stochastic telegraph equation limit of the stochastic higher spin six vertex model” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, “Nonexistence and Uniqueness for Pure States of Ferroelectric Six-Vertex Models” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, “Large Genus Asymptotics for Intersection Numbers and Principal Strata Volumes of Quadratic Differentials” (arXiv) |
Matteo Mucciconi, Leonid Petrov, “Spin q-Whittaker polynomials and deformed quantum Toda” (arXiv) |
Alexey Bufetov, Vadim Gorin, Dan Romik, “Absorbing time asymptotics in the oriented swap process” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Patrick Lopatto, Jake Marcinek, “Eigenvector Statistics of Lévy Matrices” (arXiv) |
Dmitry Chelkak, Benoît Laslier, Marianna Russkikh, “Dimer model and holomorphic functions on t-embeddings of planar graphs” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Michael Wheeler, “Observables of coloured stochastic vertex models and their polymer limits” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, “Invariance of polymer partition functions under the geometric RSK correspondence” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Vincent Delecroix, Elise Goujard, Peter Zograf, Anton Zorich, “Conjectural large genus asymptotics of Masur-Veech volumes and of area Siegel-Veech constants of strata of quadratic differentials” (arXiv) |
Jinho Baik, Zhipeng Liu, “Periodic TASEP with general initial conditions” (arXiv) |
Leonid Petrov, Mikhail Tikhonov, “Parameter symmetry in perturbed GUE corners process and reflected drifted Brownian motions” (arXiv) |
Leonid Petrov, “Parameter permutation symmetry in particle systems and random polymers” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Vadim Gorin, Michael Wheeler, “Shift-invariance for vertex models and polymers” (arXiv) |
Leonid Petrov, “PushTASEP in inhomogeneous space” (arXiv) |
Andrew Ahn, “Fluctuations of $β$-Jacobi Product Processes” (arXiv) |
Xuan Wu, “Tightness of discrete Gibbsian line ensembles with exponential interaction Hamiltonians” (arXiv) |
Jeffrey Kuan, “Stochastic Fusion of Interacting Particle Systems and Duality Functions” (arXiv) |
Cesar Cuenca, Vadim Gorin, Grigori Olshanski, “The Elliptic Tail Kernel” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, “Universality for Lozenge Tiling Local Statistics” (arXiv) |
Zhipeng Liu, “Multi-time distribution of TASEP” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Shalin Parekh, “Limit Shape of Subpartition Maximizing Partitions” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Promit Ghosal, Alan Hammond, “KPZ equation correlations in time” (arXiv) |
Leonid Petrov, Axel Saenz, “Mapping TASEP back in time” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Promit Ghosal, Konstantin Matetski, “Stochastic PDE limit of the dynamic ASEP” (arXiv) |
Evgeni Dimitrov, Xuan Wu, “KMT coupling for random walk bridges” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Mark Rychnovsky, “Large Deviations For Sticky Brownian Motions” (arXiv) |
Alexey Bufetov, Matteo Mucciconi, Leonid Petrov, “Yang-Baxter random fields and stochastic vertex models” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Alexey Bufetov, “Color-position symmetry in interacting particle systems” (arXiv) |
Zhipeng Liu, Axel Saenz, Dong Wang, “Integral formulas of ASEP and $q$-TAZRP on a Ring” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Michael Wheeler, “Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials via integrable vertex models” (arXiv) |
Axel Saenz, “The KPZ Universality Class and Related Topics” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Hao Shen, “Some recent progress in singular stochastic PDEs” (arXiv) |
Promit Ghosal, Axel Saenz, Ethan C. Zell, “Limiting speed of a second class particle in ASEP” (arXiv) |
Vadim Gorin, Yi Sun, “Gaussian fluctuations for products of random matrices” (arXiv) |
Cesar Cuenca, Vadim Gorin, “q-deformed Character Theory for Infinite-Dimensional Symplectic and Orthogonal Groups” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Konstantin Matveev, Leonid Petrov, “The q-Hahn PushTASEP” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Promit Ghosal, “KPZ equation tails for general initial data” (arXiv) |
Amol Aggarwal, Alexei Borodin, Alexey Bufetov, “Stochasticization of Solutions to the Yang-Baxter Equation” (arXiv) |
Andrew Ahn, “Global Universality of Macdonald Plane Partitions” (arXiv) |
Alisa Knizel, Leonid Petrov, Axel Saenz, “Generalizations of TASEP in discrete and continuous inhomogeneous space” (arXiv) |
Cesar Cuenca, Grigori Olshanski, “Elements of the q-Askey scheme in the algebra of symmetric functions” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Michael Wheeler, “Coloured stochastic vertex models and their spectral theory” (arXiv) |
Cesar Cuenca, “Universal Behavior of the Corners of Orbital Beta Processes” (arXiv) |
Hao Shen, Li-Cheng Tsai, “Stochastic Telegraph Equation Limit for the Stochastic Six Vertex Model” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Mark Rychnovsky, “Tracy-Widom asymptotics for a river delta model” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Vadim Gorin, Eugene Strahov, “Product matrix processes as limits of random plane partitions” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, “Comments on David Aldous and Persi Diaconis’ “Longest increasing subsequences: from patience sorting to the Baik-Deift-Johansson theorem”” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Fabio Lucio Toninelli, “Two-dimensional Anisotropic KPZ growth and limit shapes” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Li-Cheng Tsai, “SPDE Limit of Weakly Inhomogeneous ASEP” (arXiv) |
Xuan Wu, “Intermediate Disorder regime for half-space directed polymers” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, “Exactly solving the KPZ equation” (arXiv) |
H. Christian Gromoll, Mark W. Meckes, Leonid Petrov, “Quenched Central Limit Theorem in a Corner Growth Setting” (arXiv) |
Alexei Borodin, Vadim Gorin, “A stochastic telegraph equation from the six-vertex model” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Promit Ghosal, Hao Shen, Li-Cheng Tsai, “Stochastic PDE Limit of the Six Vertex Model” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Promit Ghosal, Alexandre Krajenbrink, Pierre Le Doussal, Li-Cheng Tsai, “Coulomb-gas electrostatics controls large fluctuations of the KPZ equation” (arXiv) |
Guillaume Barraquand, Alexei Borodin, Ivan Corwin, “Half-space Macdonald processes” (arXiv) |
Ivan Corwin, Promit Ghosal, “Lower tail of the KPZ equation” (arXiv) |
Vadim Gorin, Sasha Sodin, “The KPZ equation and moments of random matrices” (arXiv) |
Alexey Bufetov, Vadim Gorin, “Fourier transform on high-dimensional unitary groups with applications to random tilings” (arXiv) |
Alexey Bufetov, Leonid Petrov, “Yang-Baxter field for spin Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions” (arXiv) |
Jinho Baik, Zhipeng Liu, “Multi-point distribution of periodic TASEP” (arXiv) |
Patrik L. Ferrari, Peter Nejjar, Promit Ghosal, “Limit law of a second class particle in TASEP with non-random initial condition” (arXiv) |
Michael Damron, Leonid Petrov, David Sivakoff, “Coarsening model on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ with biased zero-energy flips and an exponential large deviation bound for ASEP” (arXiv) |
Jinho Baik, Guillaume Barraquand, Ivan Corwin, Toufic Suidan, “Facilitated exclusion process” (arXiv) |
Vadim Gorin, Adam W. Marcus, “Crystallization of random matrix orbits” (arXiv) |
Vadim Gorin, Leonid Petrov, “Universality of local statistics for noncolliding random walks” (arXiv) |